Title: JCIDS Logistics Analyst
Type: In person (Huntsville, AL) Skillbridge Internship
Company: FTI
FTI provides mission-tailored, technology-enabled services and solutions, driven by deep subject matter expertise across multiple domains. Our offerings include data analytics, modeling and defensive/resilient cyber solutions to enhance the ability of the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community and the Federal Government to make the best decisions, in support of national interests.
Through our charitable donation and volunteer efforts, FTI is proud to support veterans through: Honor Flight (Dayton, OH), Honor Foundation, Troopster, and Feeding America.
Role Responsibilities:
Closely examine the technology, processes, and tools that are in use in the commercial sector today that have the potential to make a substantial positive impact on the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the end-to-end process of ship availability material processing.
Make recommendations for effective material procurement and handling for modernization; long lead time material; presentation materials; list of process improvement and innovative tools to support process change implementation.
Support drafting of policy changes; supporting resource and manning requirements; initial performance metrics; communication plan; process improvement and innovative tools to support process change implementation sustainability.
Support development of metrics and dashboards built into online working site; post implementation communication plan and materials; resource and manning updates.